VK3UA's Blog About Amateur (Ham) Radio Activities

Hi. Welcome to VK3UA's Blog about Ham Radio. This site is mainly for me to record and remember my ham radio and electronics activities. I hope that you find something interesting and/or useful to you here. 73 de Cambo.

Saturday, 26 February 2022

VK Tech Net No 4

We talked about random wire end fed antennas and matching, as well as open wire feed line.

L-Match's were agreed to be a good tuning option for  random wire end fed antennas and for half wave end fed it appeared to be a fixed wound toroid as the impedance match.

Open wire feed was a mix of commercial and home brew feeder. A few different methods of construction were used for the home brew feed. Spacing was variable depending on application.

Recording to come . . .

  1. VK3UA (NC) - Mark 
  2. VK3DFL - Jim
  3. VK3UCD - David
  4. VK3DJC - Dave
  5. VK3ZPG - Steve
  6. VK3KK - Shaun


  1. VK3BRZ - Phillip 
Thank-you to all who participated. 

