Nothing of interest here. I am calling this a Marker post. It's just for me to remember that this is the very next post from the one about the HB9CV 2m antenna in 2015.
Jan 2022. Whew! Almost 7 years. It is amazing how days roll into weeks into months into years.
I kinda have the work/life excuse, but not really. I have been doing all sorts of ham radio stuff over that period, I just didn't get around to adding it to the blog.
I think I must have done something of interest to some-one in that time, so I am going to add posts that I will date before this post to match at about the time they happened, but I will be adding them from now on.
Also, the reason I started this blog was really to be "My Diary" of my ham radio pursuits just for me to look back on, so I want to get stuff down while I can remember it.
Makes a great place to bookmark ham radio sites and blogs I like as well.
Oh yeah. And link to my other websites.